
Glass Recycling Has Returned to the City of Laramie

Bring your glass bottles and jars to the recycling area at the landfill.  There is no fee and no need to sort the glass by color, but be sure to remove any lids, caps or corks.
DO NOT try recycling glass in your blue lidded container.  Glass in the single stream recycling is treated as trash.
For more information please call (307) 721-5279 or visit: www.cityoflaramie.org.
To find out how to recycle or dispose of other items in Laramie download the app, “Laramie Waste & Recycling”..


Volunteers for emergency transportation of livestock/animals

The Albany County CattleWomen were contacted by the Albany County Homeland Security/Emergency Management in regards to putting together a list of people that would be willing to help transport livestock/animals in the case of an evacuation. A need for this was recognized last year during the Mullen Fire. Albany County Homeland Security/Emergency Management needs people that would be willing to volunteer their time and equipment if such a need arises again.  If anyone is interested in doing this, please have them reach out to:
Kate Allred

Administrative Assistant

Albany County Homeland Security/Emergency Management

Office: (307) 721-1896

Cell: (307) 399-3576

Email: kallred@co.albany.wy.us

2025 Scholarship Application

2025 ACSG Memorial Scholarship The 2025 Scholarship applications are due April 30, 2025.  Please mail them to: Leisl Carpenter 209 Gabrielso...